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Welcome to My Portfolio

I am a developer specializing in data ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), API development, building AI integrations, and creating front-end / back-end solutions for platforms like HubSpot and HigherLogic.

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About Me

With a strong focus on data integration and automation, I excel at designing and implementing efficient ETL processes to extract data from various sources, transform it to meet specific requirements, and load it into target systems. I have experience working with different data formats and databases, ensuring smooth data flows and accurate data synchronization.

In addition, I have expertise in working with APIs that enable seamless communication between different software systems, allowing data exchange and enabling integrations with third-party applications. Whether it's RESTful APIs or webhooks, I can architect and implement robust API solutions to enhance system functionality and streamline processes.

Furthermore, I possess extensive knowledge of front-end and back-end development for platforms like HubSpot and HigherLogic. I can create custom templates, modules, and workflows with custom code steps to meet specific branding and functionality requirements. I am skilled predominantly in Python, C# and PHP, and knowledgable in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (I custom built this entire website using these languages). I use these skills to build engaging user interfaces and optimize user experiences.

I also work with the OpenAI API to build responsive AI integrations into platforms, and am currently working on building an LLM (Large Language Model) based on data from an untouched industry in terms of AI. I am building the LLM on the OpenAI infrastructure and their current "Fine-Tuning" capabilites.

I grew up in a little town an hour south of Boston, living by the water for my entire life. Since I was young, I have always wanted to travel around the world to experience different cultures, foods, and adopt new ways of thinking.

Some of my Projects

This Website

I'm currently in the process of building this website using PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while drawing insights from Jon Duckett's "PHP & MySQL: Server-side Web Development" to bolster the backend and implement diverse functionalities. Through MySQL database integration, I've established a frontend that seamlessly interacts with the stored data. Once users log in, the header transforms dynamically, unveiling a financial tracker. This feature enables users to input their financial information, which is then meticulously listed and subjected to versatile calculations, ultimately providing a comprehensive financial overview.